Effective Leadership and Management (7th Edition) (EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT IN NURSING (SULL)
Eleanor J. Sullivan PhD RN FAAN
Prentice Hall (2008)
In Collection
Administration, Leadership, Nurse Administrators, Nursing Care - Organization &amp, Nursing Services - Administration
Paperback 9780135142639
Completely updated in a new edition,Effective Leadership and Management in Nursingprovides nurseswith the necessary skills to make sound management decisions in a dynamic health care environment. Used worldwide, this award-winning book is now offered in a revised seventh edition to reflect the many changes in health care and nursing. Targeted to both practicing nurses and those in management, this book provides the tools for using the skills presented in each chapter, case studies with a managers checklist, critical thinking questions, key terms, an easy-to-read format, and a link to online instruction. In the ever-changing health care environment, nurses have never needed this information more.