Keys to Nursing Success (2nd Edition)
Janet R. Katz; Carol J. Carter; Joyce Bishop; Sarah Lyman Kravits
Prentice Hall (2003)
In Collection
Career Choice, Education, Nursing, Nursing, Nursing - Study And Teaching, Nursing - Vocational Guidance
Paperback 9780131135581
For courses in College Success, pre-Nursing and intro-nursing.This innovative text/workbook is designed to help entry-level students understand the various aspects and opportunities of the profession of nursing while allowing them to develop both personal management and academic skills necessary to succeed in a nursing school program. It covers a full range of topics-from exploring the opportunities of the nursing profession to discovering personal learning styles, values, and goals. It teaches how to manage one's time, relationships, and money; and allows students to develop critical skills in reading, studying, thinking, note-taking and writing, listening, test-taking, and lab work.Students and Faculty alike are encouraged tovisit the central website forall Keys franchise materials, , where you cancorrespond with the author team,view theirspeaking calendar, benefit from current articles, andmore!